Post by Mary on April 21, 2022
We’ve been busy fixing up old trails and building up new bikes this Spring at Ride the Alps. I have a brand new 29″ hardtail for touring and riding around our valley. Carefully hand-crafted by Alexander of Selwyn Bicycles, a stone’s throw from our home in the village of Samoens. Finished off beautifully with a dark cherry paint job by LPMD, just over the mountain in Cluses. I’ve tested it out on a couple of rides up to the spectacular Cirque du Fer a Cheval at the head of our valley. It certainly moves along much quicker than the enduro bike on the valley bottom trails. I’m looking forward to loading it up for a touring adventure further afield.
We’ve also been out on the enduro bikes this Spring, riding the South-facing trails below 1600m that are dry and free of snow. As usual there are trees down from winter storms, piles of leaves accumulated at the end of autumn and loose rocks. It’s a good time of year to get out and get the trails clear and running well again.
Jamie and Cameron have been Spring clearing and upgrading our local lockdown trail that runs from our front door. They’ve been adding new obstacles, building a banana jump, a step-up and a couple of ramps up and over fallen trees. They spend hours together in the woods building, improving and riding until they get called in for their tea ๐
We’ve got a quiet May ahead, probably with more of the same, and then Ride the Alps starts to get busy with lots of trips through June to September. We still have two week-long gaps from 2nd-9th July and 21st-28th September, which are both suitable for centre-based or point-to-point adventures. Please do get in touch if you’re keen to get out to the Alps and ride this summer. We’re looking forward to seeing you all.
Happy pedaling!